Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My View on Abortion
Abortion is a very debatable topic in todays world. People beliefs are either pro life or pro choice. I am pro choice because i feel that it is up to the women to decide if she should keep the baby or get rid of it. If the baby is going to grow up in a nasty environment or would not have the right life of that of a normal baby, then the women should know that and do the right thing by giving it up for adoption or just killing the baby before it is ever born. Thats just my opinion on this topic.
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I completely agree with you that abortion should be pro-choice. Taking a pro-life stance takes the choice right out of your hands, limiting our freedoms as Americans by not being able to choose whether we have children or not. People that have a conservative view on the topic would say that you are killing an innocent child when having an abortion. The question that comes to mind from me for those who are prolife and also against homosexuality is ," If the fetus you save is gay, would you still fight for its rights?"
I dont entirely agree with you, women should not have the choice of abortion. I mean, women are indecisive enough as it is- i usually can't even decide what to wear in the morning! If women have trouble making everyday decisions, imagine the emotional and psychological controversy they would face in deciding if they should have a child or not. Although i am not completely against abortion, i think that if abortion became legal everywhere, people would begin to abuse it- using it as a form of emergency birth control. This is not something that would be healthy for the woman nor American society.
I also do not completely agree with pro-choice. Its not that women should not choices its just that abortion is like killing a life. Many people feel that it is not killing a life but why is it that when a pegnat women is murdered the criminal gets charged for two deaths and not one? Also you do have the choice to have safe sex or not. In the world today abortion is being used as a form of birth control. Young women and girls are ruining their future. There is not proper information provided to these girls, they use abortion once and think it is okay to use agian. The truth is that these girls who are not even old enough to drive are making decisions that many adults have trouble with. When these young girls grow up who have had two or more abortions there ability to concive children when they are ready is lower. And saying that most people who are against pro-choice are against homosexuality is a huge generalization.
You said it yourself, abortion means "killing the baby." What is right about that? From that statement, what you are actually stating is that you are pro-murder.
to robert marley:
Women make the choice to have children when they have sex. Whether conception is planned or a an accident, the choice has been made and should not be able to be reversed by surgical procedures that tear the baby out piece by piece. Talk to an abortionist; I'm not exagerating.
just because i agree with being pro choice does not mean i am pro murder. Its the womens right to be able make decisions. She is a human being and we all have rights. The baby is only torn out piece by piece when the women waits to long to have an abortion and the baby is almost born. The women is an adult and can make decisions for themselves. They are grown ups and know what is wrong and what is right.
You all are murderers. This child is a HUMAN BEING. How would you feel if you were aborted? you would not have the life you have, or love the people you do. If you think that woman shouldnt have children unless they want to DONT HAVE SEX!!!!!! USE PROTECTION!!!!! Just because woman want to be sleezy and sleep around does NOT mean that gives them the right to kill a human being to achieve that goal. I am sorry to all those who killed children because there is a price... Its pretty bad a 15 year old has better morals than all of you.
I would absolutly fight for the rights of a gay child. There is nothing wrong with gay people. One of my best friends are gay and i would never have wished abortion on Him. Just because i dont believe in being gay does not mean i would turn somebody away because of it. PDA is the problem today. People dont even want to see heterosexuals groping over one another. Being gay is not a choice...acting upon it is Humans are HUMANS, black, white, hispanic, gay , straight , young , old...what dont you get about it???????
I think a 15 year old...who is reaLLY a delinquent shouldnt be preaching to adults who have a right to do what they want with there bodies. Are you the perfect respectiful daughter who never lies? probably not. U probably kill your parents hearts. Dis obediant..lie and do what u like?... whats the deal with young kids who think that they can do what they want? Its time to let adults have the world back and raise their kids and make the decisions. Its kids like you that think its murder to have an abortion but thats because you abortion and go out and have unprtotected sex. know better,...not...maybe you should quit thinking about getting pregnant so young and be a child like you are!, jessica biel bikini body cute little bikini nude and bikini hot bikini tgp, mens mini bikini
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