I have come a long way as a thinker and a writer when it comes to the topic of abortion. I started off by just knowing some basics facts on what abortion is. But over these past few weeks and after all of the research i have done about abortion, my knowledge about has grown immensely. I have learned about both sides of the argument on if abortion should be legal or illegal and if you are pro choice or pro life. I started off believing in pro choice and have stuck with that being my choice, but i have looked at being pro life to see what possibilities that can bring and to see why people feel that being pro life is a better decision than pro choice. I learned that being pro life saves many lives and preserves women of having to go through such a horrible procedure that being an abortion. It also prevents women of having the possible mental scars of giving up your child. Many women can experience depression as one of the side effects after an abortion.
On the other side, being pro choice many people criticize because they feel as your "murdering" a human, but is it really a human? People all have different beliefs when a fetus is considered a human. That is all it is, peoples opinion, there is no scientific evidence to prove when a fetus is considered human, just when it comes out of the mothers womb is when it should be called a human being because thats when it is finally separated from the mother and can survive on its own without the help of the mothers womb to support its life. The roman catholic churches along with the bible state that they are totally against a women having a abortion because it goes against everything they believe in and what GOD believes in. Another point that needs to be made is that it should be up to the women and ONLY the women. The federal government needs to have no involvement in this debate, they will only just make things more complicated.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Class Links
I would like to thank everyone who has read my blog and responded with comments that have help guided me on the topic of abortion. If you have read and liked my blog, then you should appreciate these blogs below.
This blog is focused on the seperation of church and state. This topic can have alot of controversy because people have different views and beliefs about the church and state. America was built on having people all from different religious beliefs and backgrounds as so the writer states in her blog. But the writer does a great job of discussing what the difference is between church and state and how our country is still run by peoples religious beliefs because no one can take that away.
This blog is about global warming and how it affects the earth today. It is really important to know what is happening to earth and how bad we are treating it. This blog demonstrates and illustrates what us as humans are doing to harm earth and also tells us what we could possibly do to help slow this process of global warming down because if this continues there is not going to be a earth left.
This blog focuses on lowering the drinking age to 18. The writer does a good job on arguing why this is a good idea. One reason that he states that penalties for people caught drunk driving would be substantialy increased than from what they are today. So that might keep people from driving drunk. This is a good blog to read because of the argument it presents. There are alot of people out there that believe the drinking age needs to be lowered and this writer does a wonderful job on explaining why.
This blog is focused on the seperation of church and state. This topic can have alot of controversy because people have different views and beliefs about the church and state. America was built on having people all from different religious beliefs and backgrounds as so the writer states in her blog. But the writer does a great job of discussing what the difference is between church and state and how our country is still run by peoples religious beliefs because no one can take that away.
This blog is about global warming and how it affects the earth today. It is really important to know what is happening to earth and how bad we are treating it. This blog demonstrates and illustrates what us as humans are doing to harm earth and also tells us what we could possibly do to help slow this process of global warming down because if this continues there is not going to be a earth left.
This blog focuses on lowering the drinking age to 18. The writer does a good job on arguing why this is a good idea. One reason that he states that penalties for people caught drunk driving would be substantialy increased than from what they are today. So that might keep people from driving drunk. This is a good blog to read because of the argument it presents. There are alot of people out there that believe the drinking age needs to be lowered and this writer does a wonderful job on explaining why.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Theory on abortion
The way abortion is in America today, you say to yourself, there must be a way that we can end this matter or at least come to terms with one side or the other. The two sides in abortion, pro-life and pro-choice are very heated topics. People on the pro-life side feel that you must do whatever you possibly can to keep the baby alive and breathing. Rather than being pro-choice and letting the women themselves decide if they are capable of having a baby or if they should just go ahead and terminate the pregnancy completely.
As Americans, we should be able to come up with a solution on how to come to peace terms and finally agree on a side rather than have two opposing ends always going head to head. This is not going to happen overnight, but we need to put into some thought on how this needs to end soon or the split between being pro life and pro choice is just going to grow further apart and will be harder to reach an agreement in the long run.
I think that we should come up with some basic rules on when it is necessary for a women to have an abortion. For example, maybe if she can barely take care of herself and there is no possible way for her to support this child, then it should be ok to terminate the fetus. Possibly maybe the women was raped and does not want this evil child because that is the way she would feel about it in this world today. So if we can come to an agreement on both sides or meet somewhere along the middle, hopefully we can end this feud between these opposing sides and can become one.
As Americans, we should be able to come up with a solution on how to come to peace terms and finally agree on a side rather than have two opposing ends always going head to head. This is not going to happen overnight, but we need to put into some thought on how this needs to end soon or the split between being pro life and pro choice is just going to grow further apart and will be harder to reach an agreement in the long run.
I think that we should come up with some basic rules on when it is necessary for a women to have an abortion. For example, maybe if she can barely take care of herself and there is no possible way for her to support this child, then it should be ok to terminate the fetus. Possibly maybe the women was raped and does not want this evil child because that is the way she would feel about it in this world today. So if we can come to an agreement on both sides or meet somewhere along the middle, hopefully we can end this feud between these opposing sides and can become one.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
If pro-choice is the only way to go, what will happen to America?
If we let pro-choice become the only way for someone to have an adoption, then we are eliminating all of the chances for those babies to be born, thus decreasing the population in the country. This will have its pros and cons because if we let all women get rid of all of their unwanted babies, then we are basically saying go ahead get rid of your mistakes. We can not always make everyone happy so some people are just going to have to suffer through the pain of having a child and step up and become an adult and raise a child the way it should be. If we let pro-life become the only way to talk about an abortion, then we are letting all of the people who feel abortion is wrong finally having their say. They will define on what they feel and when they think a baby is actually a human so they will convince people who want to have an abortion and swaying them to keep the baby so they do not have to go through that terrible feeling of giving up a child or known as a abortion.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Abortion facts and ways around abortions.
1. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/birth-control-pregnancy/abortion-4260.htm
- http://www.abortion.com/topic.php?topic=Rights%20%26amp%3B%20Responsibilities
- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/abortion.html#cat27
- http://www.emedicinehealth.com/abortion/article_em.htm
- http://www.womensmedcenter.com/faqs/default.asp
- http://www.fwhc.org/abortion/medical-ab.htm
- http://www.fwhc.org/abortion/medical-ab.htm
- http://www.morningafterpill.org/mapinfo1.htm
- http://www.perkel.com/politics/issues/abortion.htm
- http://www.pregnantpause.org/people/wherchur.htm
- http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/10/world/americas/10pope.html?_r=1&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/Organizations/R/Roman%20Catholic%20Church&oref=slogin
- http://www.catholic.com/library/Abortion.asp
- http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html
- http://women.webmd.com/news/20071012/worldwide-abortion-rates-down
- http://www.htmlbible.com/abortstats.htm
- http://www.theleftcoaster.com/archives/003902.php
- http://observer.case.edu/Archives/Volume_39/Issue_26/Story_1769/
- http://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20051212/abortion-impact-long-term-stress
- http://www.cirtl.org/syndrome.htm
- http://johnharmstrong.typepad.com/john_h_armstrong_/2007/10/abortion-and-sh.html
- http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NmQ2YWQ3ZjE5M2VhMDc2ZDk3NzdkZDU2MWU2YTI3MDQ=
- http://gracchii.blogspot.com/2007/10/argument-about-abortion.html
- http://voteronpaul.net/?q=node/56
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
When most abortions occur and their safety
Most abortions occur if you choose to have one during the first trimester which is up through twelve weeks of pregnancy. About 90 percent occur during this time. The procedure itself is called suction aspiration and is seven-ten times safer then regular child birth and lasts only five minutes. The surgery is a low risk complication surgery and you should be able to return to normal in a few days.
If you choose and wait to have an abortion during the second trimester which is from 13-24 weeks, then you are putting yourself in a much greater risk. The surgery is called dilation and evacuation. This is much more dangerous because you have given the baby more time to develop and it will be more complicated to remove and could put yourself in danger. Now insted of a five minute operation, it can now take up to two-three days to remove the baby and requires a longer stay in the hospital or medical facility
If you choose and wait to have an abortion during the second trimester which is from 13-24 weeks, then you are putting yourself in a much greater risk. The surgery is called dilation and evacuation. This is much more dangerous because you have given the baby more time to develop and it will be more complicated to remove and could put yourself in danger. Now insted of a five minute operation, it can now take up to two-three days to remove the baby and requires a longer stay in the hospital or medical facility
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Ways to prevent abortions
Women can take the proper steps to even avoid having to go through an abortion. First step would be for women who are not ready to have a baby should always use protection during sex. There is no other method to avoid an unwanted pregnancy besides abstinence that will prevent you from having a child you are not ready for so you do not have to go through an abortion.
Another way women can help prevent an abortion would be to use the morning after pill or known as the emergency contraception pill. After having unprotected sex and you fear that you are going to become pregnant, you should go to the nearest clinic or pharmacy and pick this up as it is available over the counter. As long as used within the meet requirements, usually within 72 hours after having unprotected sex, the pill will terminate any possible chance of a sperm penetrating into an egg so a women can not become pregnant.
Another way women can help prevent an abortion would be to use the morning after pill or known as the emergency contraception pill. After having unprotected sex and you fear that you are going to become pregnant, you should go to the nearest clinic or pharmacy and pick this up as it is available over the counter. As long as used within the meet requirements, usually within 72 hours after having unprotected sex, the pill will terminate any possible chance of a sperm penetrating into an egg so a women can not become pregnant.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Who should decide: Woman or Government
This helps go along with my decision of being pro choice. All women should have a say in whether or not they should have a child or not. Thats why i think it should be up to them and only them to decide. The government should not play a role in this choice. They should help support the womens decisions and help guide them through this time in their life. Thats why in this website, it talks about whether women should have the right to keep or child or get an abortion and why the government needs to stay out of their business
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Issues on Abortion
My issues on abortion are as followed. There are two sides to every story, and the two sides in the debate over abortion is that you can be pro-life of pro-choice. Abortion is done worldwide, it is not just happening around here, even though most countries around the world see abortion as illegal and if caught you will be punished. I am pro-choice because i feel that you should have the choice to do whatever you feel like doing. Like in the constitution, it says that everyone has their own freedoms like freedom of speech. But even that has a limit. You cannot say fire in a movie theater full of people, but why should a women have to keep a child if she does not want it? Who should get to decide this, the women or the government? Abortions happen in 15-40 percent of all pregnancies. Whether it is a induced pregnancy or if it is a misscarrage it still happens and we can not do anything about it. Abortions can be done in two stages, either in the first trimester(up to twelve weeks) or the second trimester(from thirteen to twenty four weeks).
Having an induced abortion is usually non painful in most cases, but abortions can be done without surgery, there are pills that you can take as well and get the same effect. If you do not even want to get this far, after you have unprotected sex and are in fear that you will become pregnant, there is the emergency contraception pill you can take within 72 hours after having sex. Women can also take birth control to help prevent becoming pregnant. Abortion should be done correctly in a safe environment. This can not always be done in countries with a low income. A lot of people have been known to do abortions in alleyways and sometimes in their own home. This is not very safe and leads to a lot of deaths because the operation is not done correctly. Around 219 women die each day from illegal abortions. There are about 46 million abortions per year throughout the world. People have even compared abortion deaths and war deaths. The civil war had about 400,000 deaths, and since 1973, there has been about 35 million deaths from abortions.
Some women may need counseling after going through such a big decision in their life. Thats ok, there are many clinics throughout the world that are there just for that reason, to help guide them through and in some cases can even talk them out of having an abortion. Women have been known to go through some tough psychological effects of having an abortion and some studies have found long term stress found up to five years later. But many women are able to overcome this and move on in life. Women may ask the doctors if having an abortion is safe. The answer is yes, if it is done within the first twelve weeks, its very minor surgery and the whole procedure takes about five minutes.
The churches have their own position on abortion. The Roman Catholic Church has been totally against the legalization of abortion and have even gone to congress and stated that they do not believe in abortion. They feel that it is murder and some have found in the bible that it is a "grave evil" to do such a thing to an innocent human before it has the chance to defend itself.
People can argue as much as they like about abortion, but what it comes down to is whether or not the state and federal government agree. In most states, for example in the south are against abortion and in the east they feel either or is correct so they are in the middle. I think that it should be up the federal government to decide nationally if abortion should be legal or illegal and should not be left up to the states. Just like we vote for the president, we should be able to vote on whether abortion is legal or illegal.
Having an induced abortion is usually non painful in most cases, but abortions can be done without surgery, there are pills that you can take as well and get the same effect. If you do not even want to get this far, after you have unprotected sex and are in fear that you will become pregnant, there is the emergency contraception pill you can take within 72 hours after having sex. Women can also take birth control to help prevent becoming pregnant. Abortion should be done correctly in a safe environment. This can not always be done in countries with a low income. A lot of people have been known to do abortions in alleyways and sometimes in their own home. This is not very safe and leads to a lot of deaths because the operation is not done correctly. Around 219 women die each day from illegal abortions. There are about 46 million abortions per year throughout the world. People have even compared abortion deaths and war deaths. The civil war had about 400,000 deaths, and since 1973, there has been about 35 million deaths from abortions.
Some women may need counseling after going through such a big decision in their life. Thats ok, there are many clinics throughout the world that are there just for that reason, to help guide them through and in some cases can even talk them out of having an abortion. Women have been known to go through some tough psychological effects of having an abortion and some studies have found long term stress found up to five years later. But many women are able to overcome this and move on in life. Women may ask the doctors if having an abortion is safe. The answer is yes, if it is done within the first twelve weeks, its very minor surgery and the whole procedure takes about five minutes.
The churches have their own position on abortion. The Roman Catholic Church has been totally against the legalization of abortion and have even gone to congress and stated that they do not believe in abortion. They feel that it is murder and some have found in the bible that it is a "grave evil" to do such a thing to an innocent human before it has the chance to defend itself.
People can argue as much as they like about abortion, but what it comes down to is whether or not the state and federal government agree. In most states, for example in the south are against abortion and in the east they feel either or is correct so they are in the middle. I think that it should be up the federal government to decide nationally if abortion should be legal or illegal and should not be left up to the states. Just like we vote for the president, we should be able to vote on whether abortion is legal or illegal.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Abortion and the Churches
Abortion and the churches have never been on the same page. The church believes that abortion is "grave evil" and they also feel that it is murder on something that never has a chance to defend itself. But do you really think it should have a chance to defend itself? Thats why i think that it is up to the mother to be able to make that choice on her own and choose if the child should live or if it should be destroyed? That is my question to the audience: What do you think should be done and how do you feel about mothers having the choice to play god and decide if something should live or die?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Yes bob marley makes a good point. If you are pro life it does limit your freedom as an american. You are not able to make a choice in your that is a HUGE decision. You are bringing another human being into the world and that child needs love and care. If you can not support it then, you should have the choice on whether to keep it or not. That is why pro-life is not a good side to be on.
Well hearth35, since you say women are so indecisive then they just need to step up and face the fact that they are having a child. And whether they can care for that child should be up to them, not the law. They are an adult and can make choices on their own, and do not need people like the government making choices for them. It is something that needs to be done on her own.
Well hearth35, since you say women are so indecisive then they just need to step up and face the fact that they are having a child. And whether they can care for that child should be up to them, not the law. They are an adult and can make choices on their own, and do not need people like the government making choices for them. It is something that needs to be done on her own.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My View on Abortion
Abortion is a very debatable topic in todays world. People beliefs are either pro life or pro choice. I am pro choice because i feel that it is up to the women to decide if she should keep the baby or get rid of it. If the baby is going to grow up in a nasty environment or would not have the right life of that of a normal baby, then the women should know that and do the right thing by giving it up for adoption or just killing the baby before it is ever born. Thats just my opinion on this topic.
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